Water hydraulics - environmentally friendly power

Mobin Hydrualic AB focuses on water hydraulics and specializes in systems for opening and closing dam gates. Of course, we also help with oil hydraulics. We take full responsibility for design and installation. For a quote, contact us here.


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Our services

We specialize in environmentally friendly water and oil hydraulics.

We offer customized solutions for sluice gates, gate cleaners and other hydraulic systems. Our solutions minimize environmental impact and optimize water management.

How Mobin can help you with your hydraulic system

From the initial 3D design to the final installation, we tailor systems to meet your exact needs.

Our experienced engineers manage the design, manufacture and installation. We then install your new system on site and ensure you have detailed documentation ready for future maintenance.

Previous projects & customers

Järnvägsforsen agg

Railway rapids intake

Installation of 2 parallel-connected water hydraulic cylinders with associated hydraulic units, Statkraft

Renovering bruthjulshuvud Berge G1

Salvage spring G1

Renovation of breakwheel head in Bergeforsen G1, Vattenfall

Järnvägsforsen agg

Railway rapids inlet

Installation of 2 water hydraulic cylinders connected in parallel with accompanying hydraulic unit to a cylinder gate in Järnvägsforsen, Ånge. Customer: Statkraft